Yiwen Tao

Yiwen Tao

Location: Victoria
Focus: Birth and Postpartum Doula
Language: English, Mandarin

I was born and raised in the lower Yangtze River region, in a historic city named Jiaxing (嘉興), nourished by my local Indigenous communities, traditions, beliefs, and ways of life. In 2014, I moved to what's colonially known as Ontario to pursue an education in literary studies, and later in cultural studies. Both my academic work and my lived experiences as a first generation immigrant woman of color have deeply informed my approach to care and justice work, community-building, and wellness.

My approach to birth and postpartum support is culturally affirming, compassionate, and person-centric. I believe we are not disconnected "selves" defined by our outer skins, but to the contrary, selves that are affected by all that touches us—embodying one another, our relationships, communities, and environments. All wellness is shaped by, and to an extent indistinguishable from, these layers. My own parenting journey began here in Victoria, at the end of 2021. Being a newcomer to the region, I experienced systemic injustice firsthand. Because of that, I feel called to doula work so as to embrace, empower, and support others on this journey. My primary aim in working with you is to help you build a healthy and enriching parenting journey. Beyond that, I’m also prepared to celebrate the FULLNESS of your experience: for example, those moments of growing pains that such a profound transformation inevitably entails.

Other offerings: Birth and postpartum doula services; Postpartum Chinese meals; Pregnancy and new born photography; Multicultural parenting support and advocacy; Personal support and advocacy; Translation and interpreting (English-Mandarin)

Anita Cheung